Welcome to this Blog. . .

...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Bad Dream

Last night, I had this really weird bad dream.
My friend, Shannon, several other people from school, and I were outside on this dirt path. My dog Juliet was with us, and we were walking along through openings in walls of scraggly bushes.
We had this assignment from school where we were supposed to manuever our way past several different types of dangerous animals without being mauled or eaten. Sort of weird, but it obviously didn't seem so at the time, since it was a dream and all.
So, we were all walking along, a group of about five, when someone in front of me stopped and moved quickly behind a bush; we all grew quiet and hid behind nearby bushes, looking through their branches.
Pacing across the path ahead was a large, elephant-sized tricerotops-looking creature whose footsteps made the ground quake. It growled quietly and looked every once in a while in our direction, evidently expecting the next group of students to attempt to pass by it alive.
The group had a whispered conference behind the largest bush, but none of us could remember how to safely get past this creature; no one even knew what it was.
Some guy said, "We have to move on; so we'll use Juliet as a distraction, and then we'll run." I was about to disagree with this, but it was too late; eveyone had moved out into the open, including Juliet, who began to quickly approach the beast with no fear. It roared loudly, and at the very last second, Jules veered to the right, leading the creature off of the dirt path. Everyone was bolting for the passage through the bushes at the far end of the field.
However, before they could get there, Jules was limping back, bleeding and injured, and the creature was sprinting along behind her. I ran toward Juliet, trying to pick her up so that I could run with her and we could make haste. Half of the group came back to help, and the other half that was reluctant soon found their escape route through the bushes blocked by the creature. As it was about to bear down on this group near the bush exit with a large claw, the person who had suggested this whole brilliant plan shoved a stick into the creature's eye. Enraged further, the monster stomped about blindly with a hand over its face, and everyone backed away rapidly for fear of being crushed.
The group trying to help Juliet had stopped mid-way through the act, awed by the scene before them. However, when it stomped, still blindly, in our direction, we lost no time in collectively backing away. A horrible yelping sound told us that Jules had not followed us.
As the creature moved, and we found that there was nothing we, as students, could do for Jules, we made our escape through the bushes and used someone's cell phone to call for help, in case it was possible for someone else to save Juliet. Our teacher materialized out of nowhere and scolded us for not using the proper technique to avoid the creature. He would not listen to anything we said about my dog.
Anyways, shortly after this, I woke up, and I am still trying to figure out why I had such a random dream.

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