Welcome to this Blog. . .

...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I Dreamt My Friend Was a Sea Monster

Indeed I did - this was two nights ago, the night which preceded my return to school. In the dream, I was with my mom and I had somehow convinced her to join me in the choir that morning, but when we got to the church, we saw that the choristers filing up onto the chancel were wearing blue, shiny robes instead of our usual red ones. So, since we were already late, my mom and I rushed upstairs, intending to search for these new robes, which weren't in the ladies' robe room but in this vast closet that had all sorts of different-colored robes that was between the ladies' room and the men's room. I was so busy exploring all of these weird varieties of robes that I almost forgot that we were late, and it was with renewed frenzy that I grabbed a shiny blue robe and tossed it over my head, doing up the zipper and urging my mother to do the same with hers.
Then we ran back downstairs and joined the rest of the choir on the chancel - the sermon had already started, and for whatever reason, our pastor Mr. Barnes was talking about some huge sea monster that had been spotted in the Atlantic Ocean. As he described it, an aerial video that had probably been taken from an airplane was projected onto the wall behind him (and onto the back wall for everyone on stage to see). The camera panned across what must have been a mile of ocean, and all along this stretch, huge humps of the sea monster rose up out of the water and dipped in again - this thing was really colossal - again, I don't know why we were discussing it in church, but we took up the offering shortly afterward, which leads me to believe that the sea monster was somehow directly related to whatever cause we were collecting the offering for.
After the service was over, my mom and I left through the center of the aisle - my dad was in the crowd, sitting next to a bunch of snooty rich people with British accents, and he halted me to disapprove of our weird robes loudly to his new friends. Then we finally managed to leave and my mother was really mad for some reason about my dad's insults.
Then I was walking along the highway to my friend Shannon's house. When I got there, I told her about the sea monster video and she informed me, much to my surprise, that she had already heard of and even made the acquaintance of this sea monster - then, as though I was in her mind, I witnessed her flashback of this event. She was hanging out of her window, yelling at her mom (who was standing on the porch) to come inside. Wending its way down the street was the giant sea monster, which paused and reared its green-gray head, studying Shannon's mom just as hard as she was studying it - all the while, Shannon was yelling for her mom to watch out and come inside - but too late - the monster lunged, narrowly missing Shannon's mom (who dived out of the way) and nearly choking on one of the porch's support beams instead.
Then, somehow, in a separate event, I was speaking with my friend Di over lunch - somehow the sea monster came up again, and she told me that she was the giant sea monster.
"You mean you can turn into a mile-long giant sea monster?" I asked her incredulously. "How long have you been able to do this?"
She said that she wasn't sure; as far as she knew, she had possessed this power since birth.
"And you can do it at will?" I asked her. She nodded.
For some reason, I didn't think to ask her why she had tried to eat Shannon's mom.
Later in the dream, Shannon, Savannah, Stormy and I (and possibly more people) were all walking along the same desolate highway toward town. We had plans to go and eat pizza, and on our left, over what seemed to be a vast wasteland, my old middle school Hanes loomed in the hazy distance. The wasteland was fenced off and topped with barbed wire, but when we reached a spot where the fence bent inward, we saw a group of people smoking and drinking and leaning against the fence, my bus driver among them. She either did not recognize us or was too busy with her friends, so we continued walking, but after a while we saw a figure in the distance coming toward us. As we drew nearer, we saw that it was Di, walking alone. We all greeted her jovially and she asked us where we were headed.
"We were thinking of going to grab some pizza - want to come along?" we said. She agreed and fell into step with us.
"Now, if we see anyone we don't like along the way, you can eat them, Di!" I exclaimed, chortling at my joke and then immediately feeling guilty, worried that I had said an insensitive thing. It was at this point that I woke up.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

True Story

So, we were walking along the front half of the Walmart on the North Side with our cart, finally ready to leave for the night. As we passed a banking station with FDIC advertised in bold letters on the glass, I found myself momentarily at a loss to remember what this acronym stood for, though I knew that it described the maximum amount of money that the bank will insure in your account - I remembered this much from studying the administration of President Franklin Roosevelt in U.S. History.
I jogged a bit to catch up with my mom and I asked her, "Hey, do you know what FDIC stands for?"
She turned and looked at me very seriously, then said, "F&$* dat ice cream."