Welcome to this Blog. . .

...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spaghetti Party of 3/6/09 - 3/7/09

A few days ago, I had a sort of mini-birthday party, since I didn't want to have some huge celebration. It was very awesome, and I have come on here to describe its awesomeness.

On Friday, after finding out that I am not failing in math (yay!), I rode my bus home to my mom's house, where we showered and got ready to go over to Shannon's.

The previous weekend, Stacia had suggested that we go over to her house the following weekend to celebrate my birthday and what-not; she said that she wanted an excuse to make a cake, and I told her that she didn't need to worry about it, but she insisted on making the cake and her famous spaghetti. So the spaghetti party was planned for that following Friday.

After we were done getting ready, we headed over to Shannon's house around 5:30, after dropping off some Sleeper Cell posters at Jackson's Music. I played the keyboard there, and it had a beautiful sound.

Shannon and I quickly walked the dogs upon our arrival, my mom and Wesley having disappeared outside somewhere for a cigarette, and we were looking for some new neighborhood skater people that were allegedly "hot" (this is according to Shannon). They were not outside anymore, so we went back to the house and down into the basement, where Sean was showing my mother his ferrets (Draco and Raja) and collection of rocks and jewelry. As a present, he gave me a necklace of hemp that he had made, and Shannon gave me these awesome blue earrings and a bracelet that she had made.

Shortly afterwards, we had dinner and cake, and were listening to a Deathcab for Cutie cd that I had brought along, when Logan called and said that he could come over; he did so just as my mom and Wesley decided that they had to leave to go hang up more posters.

We showed Logan the ferrets, but then we took the dogs for a walk through the neighborhood again, and it was a beautiful night; it was warm, one of the first warm nights we've had in a while, and there was this light breeze blowing. It felt like we were close to the ocean.

Then, once we got back from our walk, we hung out upstairs in Shannon's bedroom until it was about time for Logan to leave, which was around 9:00, and then we went downstairs and hung out for awhile there.

I forget how it came up now, but while we were down there, Shannon and Sean got this brilliant idea that they should use the bagel guillotine that they have to chop up this leftover pancake from a pancake party that they had a while back. I got this on film, and I just decided to mention it because it's randomly fantabulous, and fantabulously random. It was "just like being in the French Revolution!"

After talking for awhile, we retreated back upstairs to change into pajamas, and then we came downstairs to take the dogs out once more to the backyard, and we stood on the back porch with Sean for awhile, talking about Japanese horror movies. Like I said, it was a beautiful night ( :

A little while later, we went upstairs for the last time and Shannon painted my nails this bright red color before we went to bed. The next morning, I got up early to help Stacia take her dogs for a walk, and I was sweating by the time we got back; it felt like a humid spring day in Florida (and it hasn't even been two weeks since the last time it snowed!)

My dad came to pick me up around noon. . .and I don't remember too much after that.

1 comment:

  1. A bagel guillotine? That sounds slightly destructive.

    It might snow this weekend.
