Welcome to this Blog. . .

...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Very Weird Dream Indeed

Yes, on to the dream in a moment; last night, after dinner, I sat with Hope on the couch while she watched Spongebob (which she's usually not allowed to watch for some reason), and we played with her baby dolls for a while. Then, Heather came in and announced that she only had a few minutes before she had to go up to bed, and she put one of those gigantic pads of paper in front of Hope, along with some markers, and said, "You can color two sheets of these, and then you have to go up to bed." My dad and I were about to leave to see what was at the $2 Theater, but while he was getting his stuff together, I sat and colored with Hope. She spelled out her full name (last name as well), which I had never seen her do before, and then I helped her spell out "Grammy" and "Grampy," because this is what she calls Heather's mom and step-dad. Then, my dad came down and it was time to go.

We watched "Night at the Museum" at the $2 Theater, and my dad was disappointed, though I thought it was a cute movie; I suppose that they could have included a bit more about each of the exhibits, like more information about Custer, Ivan the Terrible, Napoleon Bonaparte, etc. However, I did learn one thing from the movie that I didn't know before: There is a complex named after Napoleon (I suspect that it is called the Bonaparte Complex) for those who feel inferior as a result of being short. I didn't know that; they mention the Electra and Oedipus Complexes in my psychoanalysis book, which describe the behavior of children too attached to the parent of the opposite gender, the result being hatred of the parent of the same gender, or the extreme tendency to seek the favored parent image in their wife/husband later on.

So, afterwards, we came home, and I stayed up blogging and working on this little video on the computer for a while before I went to bed. I had the weirdest dream.

I dreamt that Wesley, Fonzie from "Happy Days," and I were walking to the beach together; Wesley was leading us, because we were in Ohio and he had lived there once (however, I knew in the dream that we were going to the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast, and so this didn't make any sense). At the beach, people were laying on red-and-white striped beach towels, sunbathing, applying sunscreen, tossing beach balls back and forth, etc. Loud fifties music that featured a saxophone blasted from little boomboxes that all magically seemed to be tuned to the same station. Along part of the shore was a concrete wall that jutted out into the water a little ways, and some people were sitting on the edge of this wall, dangling their feet into the water.

Putting our stuff down by the concrete wall, Wesley and the Fonz ran into the water; I followed cautiously. Once in the water, we were pulled by a surprising current irresistibly to the right, over to the wall. We were pretty far out in the water by now; looking to my right from my corner of the wall, I could see the shore about 40 yards away. I clung to the top of the concrete until the current had ceased to drag us. The Fonz loosened his grip on a portion of the wall a few feet ahead of me, as did Wesley a few feet ahead of him.

Then, out of nowhere, a black, gaping hole opened up in the shallows to my right, barring my escape to the shore. Almost before I could react, the current came back, now pulling us to the right, in the direction of the hole, though I was the only one in danger since I was on the far left corner of the wall; Wesley and Fonz now just found themselves pressed into the section of wall to their right.

I held on for dear life as I watched water and fish swirling to their black, chasmy dooms. My legs, which had nothing to cling to, were being dragged to the right further and further, until I could soon feel the tension in my hips from my legs being stretched so far away from my body. I thought that if I didn't drown, I would surely lose an essential limb or two.

Then the current changed again, and it was pulling us backwards; my legs snapped back to their original position behind me, and were lifted in the water as if some sea creature were trying to yank me away from the wall by my feet. The Fonz didn't flinch in front of me where he held to the wall, but Wesley, who had been taken by surprise, flew past the Fonz and almost past me; I reached out a hand as he tried to swim. He grabbed it and then got a grip on my legs, and so I replaced my own grip on the wall.

This part of the dream seemed to last about half an hour; the current would switch every now and then and pull us to the right, toward our chasmy doom. But, eventually, it would pull us back again, away from the wall.

Suddenly, it stopped; the chasm disappeared. We stayed clutching the wall for five more minutes just in case the current started up again. Then, we floundered over to the shore, dragged ourselves out the water with our aching arms, grabbed our stuff, and ran.

The Fonz disappeared about halfway to our house; we must have been back in North Carolina again because when we got to the house, my family was there. My mom came out and scolded us for dawdling at the beach, since she had to work the 3:30 shift that day and had not been able to be home when the family arrived. She led us inside, and we said, "Hi." to the cousins, who were all sitting on the couch in front of the television, and to Grandma, who was setting the dining room table in the other room, and last, to Uncle Alan, who was running on a treadmill in the kitchen. Once we reached the kitchen, my mom went over to the stove, where she was preparing food of some sort. Then my mom called and I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing.

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