Welcome to this Blog. . .

...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

An Eventful Night of Dreams

I went to sleep last night determined to actually have a good dream, which the dreams I had could be called good dreams, perhaps, compared to the kind I've been having as of late. I figured that the dreams would at least be somewhat different, as I would be sleeping in a different bed (the one at my mom's house), and I was correct about that.
Before I fill people in on the dreams, I must make the comment that I was finally able to hang up the posters that I received for my birthday: a Jimi Hendrix poster, a Jack Skellington poster, and a Seurat poster (the impressionistic painting that shows the people sitting on the shore of a lake with a really long title that I can't remember). Now, there's a nice little bit of variety in the art of my bedroom at my mom's house.
Also, another funny thing happened the other day in my dad's car that I forgot to mention in an earlier post. Hope has this little broken cell phone that she likes to play with, and so she took it in the car one afternoon. Heather asked her who she was going to call; I immediately responded, "Ghostbusters!" and felt like a complete nerd when I was the only one who laughed. Hope handed me the cell phone and told me to call Ghostbusters, (she hasn't seen the movie and has no clue what Ghostbusters is) and so I pretended to be dialing 867-5309, and laughed at my own joke again, while everyone else in the car remained silent; I felt very easily amused that day. Talking into the phone, I said, "Jenny? Oh, hi, can you put me on with Ghostbusters?" then paused for a moment, before turning to Hope and asking, "Do we have any ghosts that we need to get rid of." Hope thought for a moment, then shook her head. "No. We don't have any ghosts. But we need some jewelry; tell Ghostbusters to bring us some jewelry." Figuring that it would be pointless to tell a five-year-old that Ghostbusters traditionally doesn't deliver jewelry, I spoke the order into the broken telephone and thanked Ghostbusters for their delivery. So now my dad, Heather, and I have this inside joke about Ghostbusters and their jewelry delivery. Random, but whatever.
Now, to the dreams: I first dreamt that my mom, Wesley, and I were having an ice-cream eating contest, and that I passed out after my second bowl. When I woke up from being passed out on the carpet of our living room, I found my mom slouched over the piano bench with the stomach of a pregnant woman, puking out all of her ice cream on the echo pedal of the piano. Wesley still sat upright on the couch, eating his way steadily through his fourth or fifth bowl.
At my next dream, I was at Shannon's wedding; I don't know who she was marrying in the dream, but I couldn't see the ceremony anyway from where I was sitting. We were in the middle of some forest, outdoors (in nature, of course), and there was a red-carpeted aisle lined on both sides by rows of white straight backed chairs. The guy who sat in front of me was really tall, and I was stuck in the very last row of chairs because I was late. I was distinctly disgruntled in the dream because I wasn't even a bridesmaid. I was also really tired, and so I slumped into the shoulder of the person next to me and fell asleep in the middle of the service.
The next dream was a nerdy Harry Potter one; I have these every now and then, where I'm either Harry Potter or Hermione or some random added character. In this one, I was Harry Potter, and the Weasley family, Hermione, some people from the DA and the Order of the Phoenix, and I were attempting to kill Voldemort, who was running about in this small village, creating chaos and throwing things at people. The dream took place at night, and the thing I remember most about the dream was that I wasn't able to perform a stunning spell (You know the whole "Stupefy!" spell), and Voldemort was sort of wreaking havoc unchecked due to this handicap of mine. I could summon a patronus, which I did randomly in the middle of the dream to make sure that I could still do magic and what not. But anyways, we killed Voldemort by the end of the dream, but Mr. Weasley had died, and everyone was really sad. So, yes, you have now seen the inner workings of my nerdy subconscious.
Today, my mom, Wesley, and I went to Salem Lake and walked along their creek trail, which was about 8 miles there and back.

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