Welcome to this Blog. . .

...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Yesterday. . .

All my troubles seemed so far away! haha just kidding, I have not come on here to write the lyrics for a Beatles song :)
This past weekend has been pretty awesome all together. Friday was cool mostly because we got to make ice cream in science class; I have brought the recipe home, so I might put it up for my readers' enjoyment (It's easier to make than I thought). Then, I stayed up really late and got to work on this book that I'm writing, which does not happen often because of things like schoolwork and social life and stuff like that. While I was writing, my dad and Heather were in the living room, watching the Happening, and I pitied them, because my mom and I had already rented it from the red box and discovered that it sucked.
Then I went to bed and I slept until 11:30 the next day. After I woke up, I had breakfast and lazed about the house for awhile. Hope was at a soccer game with her cousin, Bethany, who happens to be a cheerleader (which is weird because I have a cousin Bethany that is a cheerleader as well; I guess it's just a Bethany-thing), so I didn't have anything around that would enjoy my entertainment until she got home. My dad and Heather, I think were still asleep at this point.
Hope came home eventually and I took forever in the shower, singing and what-not. My dad and I played music together downstairs for a few minutes (he plays the electric guitar and I play the drums), and then he had to leave to do a few errands. Hope and Heather had retired upstairs by this point, and I thought that they were taking a nap, but as it turned out, Heather was taking a nap and Hope was up in her room watching Wall-E. By the time I found out that she was not asleep, the movie was already over and I was jealous, because I actually liked Wall-E quite a bit when I saw it in the theater (It's probably my favorite love story now that I think about it).
Shortly after discovering this, Heather woke up and asked me if I wanted to come with her and Hope when they went to get their hair cut. Since my hair has grown out a little bit since I had last cut it, I joined them and got it trimmed by a lady at Great Clips.
We ordered some chicked at KFC on the way back, as we were in a hurry, and when I got home, Hope went upstairs to play this computer game on Heather's laptop. Then Patrick came over, and we were going to go see Yes Man (which was really good; I had had my doubts about it, but it was just as good if not better than Liar Liar). He gave me this really cool Valentines Day present, which turned out being a book on psychoanalysis, and so I was like, "Yay-hooray!". But I felt bad, because I got him a mix cd, which isn't nearly as cool.
Anywho, we went to the movie, and it was good, and then after hanging out for awhile longer, we dropped him back off at his house. We got back home and I spent a few hours more on the computer, working on my story before going to bed.
Other news: I might be going to the mountains today, and I am about to take a shower. That is all.

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