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...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Day

I have mixed feelings about this day, as I'm sure most people do. For a holiday that started as having nothing to do with romance (I think? I don't remember, but I think that's right), it has become blown out of proportion.
Sure, I suppose couples should have a nice little day to celebrate their couple-ness, BUT (and I'm speaking to those of you who are procrastinators like me), why create the need to buy, buy, buy MORE for that special someone (on the last day, when all the stores are the most crowded)? There's nothing wrong with buying someone gifts, but with all of these holidays in which you are required to give the gift of material goods, it seems like you eventually lose sight of the real meaning of the holiday.
Another example of this is Christmas. I have been conducting interviews of the people I know, and one of the questions inquires about the participant's favorite holiday and why it is their favorite holiday. Most people, of course, say Christmas, and about 25% of these people say that they like Christmas most because of the gifts. Though most love it for either family or religion related reasons, 25% is still a significant percentage (estimation). It seems that our society does not turn a blind eye to its material advantages.
And then, there's the added disadvantage if you happen to be single on Valentine's Day, when all of your friends are not. Who wants to be lonely on the day of love? And then, I even knew a woman who was dumped on Valentines Day. . .Ouch.
But then, of course, there's the oppurtunity for those who love to make it known, or whatever. And the chance for couples to get together and what-not, and all that good stuff.
But anyway, overall, Valentines Day seems unnecessary, because love should be exchanged on every other day as well, and not always in the form of chocolates and conversation hearts, but I suppose that it adds flavor to our culture, so it can continue its existence without any further objection from me.

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