Welcome to this Blog. . .

...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Birthday Tomorrow

So, I came on here due to today's proximity to tomorrow, which will be my fifteenth birthday. I look forward to it, though it sucks somewhat owing to the fact that it is on a Thursday; however, I will be dining out with my parents tomorrow night to celebrate, and will furthermore be attending the Wynsong theater on Friday night with fellow school friends, most likely to see the much-anticipated "Alice In Wonderland," though it seems very likely that it will be sold out by the time we get there, in which case we will view "Avatar" or "The Blind Side" as an alternative. As you can probably infer from my run-on sentence, I am quite excited about the whole ordeal.
Tomorrow is also an exciting day because it is the date of a Seminar-In-the-Arts class transition - from Cultural Languages to Creative Writing, the class that I look forward to most. Ms. Fitzgerald, who sponsors the creative writing club, will be instructing this course, and I know that it will be great.
The one sad thing about my birthday is the fact that it will fall short of one of my mid-winter wishes/hopes - that I would be able to walk about during the day wearing shorts. Considering the spontaneous snowfall that occured just a day ago (which delayed us two hours today), it will probably be pants and long-sleeved-shirt weather.
The only other eventful thing that I can think of that happened this week was the private concert that my father and I had the privilege to attend at his friend Roskin's house (I might be spelling his name wrong and I don't know his last name, unfortunately, as everyone there seemed to be on first name terms with him). He is a world-class pianist, and we got to sit with him in the room set aside for his gorgeous, ginormous piano while he played Rachmaninoff's 2nd Piano Concerto. It was incredible - I've never heard much Rachmaninoff, except for Youtube recordings of him playing Chopin Nocturnes and such. So hearing - no, seeing - his music firsthand as I did was simply amazing. He was one of those pianists who made runs and dual melodies look extremely easy, with nimble fingers that were able to move adeptly over the keys and put perfect force into the chords at the same time. It was like hearing Beethoven, the same sort of feeling that you're watching something being born, observing the very cogs of creation rotating - it was like witnessing something being knit together in a womb, as I habitually say of Beethoven's music. So, enough of that ranting.
I dreamt last night, as I have frequently over the past week, though none of the previous dreams made enough of an impact on my memory for me to recall them in depth. I'm sure some of my avid readers have experienced the occasional dream in which the subject is a person you have known, but whom you haven't spoken to or even thought about for a while (even someone who almost completely left your life). I often wake from these dreams shocked, thinking, "Wow. I haven't spoken to that person in a while; how odd that, without even thinking about him/her, they would appear in my dream!"
So, in the dream, I logged onto my facebook eagerly to check my guest list for my birthday outing on Friday to the movies. I noticed that I had a message, and so I opened it. The message was from Mr. Gatsby, whom I had met on the cruise ship (look back in my May entries for more info). As I recently became aware (in real life), he was dating someone. "Good for him," I thought. But in the dream, his email expressed his unhappiness with his love life. He claimed that he had broken up with his girlfriend and was thinking of marriage. Somehow in the email, he conveyed that he wanted me to travel to where he lived so that we could be engaged. Against my better judgment, I departed - only to find him back together with the girl he had claimed he'd left. "We're not together anymore," he claimed, "She just keeps following me around." I was irritated, because, given the implications of his email, I had bought a one-way airline ticket and had no way of returning home any time soon without financial assistance. This was about all I can remember from the dream, but it was rather interesting.

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