Welcome to this Blog. . .

...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Friday, September 17, 2010

Reynolds vs. East Forsyth et Une Reve en Francais

So, it has been a very long time since I've last written, but I decided to come on here and summarize a bit of the goings-on since August.
I've just returned from the most violent game of football that I've attended - it was a home game against East Forsyth, and there were two major injuries - that is, two which involved the use of stretchers and which made a trip to the hospital necessary. I told Mr. James about my mother's philosophy on football - that high schoolers should only play flag-football. He agreed.
A dapper young man from my English class was also at the game, but he did not greet me and chose to spend his time with the obnoxious group of Rowdies, who took up the entire section to our left tonight.
As far as marching the show goes, this was our second night of marching the first segment of the show at a game. Our first competition is in about two weeks, so Mr. James is wanting to rush us through the "Carry On, My Wayward Son" portion of the song so that we can have the whole show prepared for this event. I look forward to Appalachian's competition, though I know enough this year to dress warmly, in case it snows again. In creative writing club the other day, I showed Molly and Chloe (the latter of which I have been sitting with at lunch most days) a scene from the play that I tried to write last year - the scene which highlighted the events of the App. Competition last year - and they both seemed to like it, despite its inevitable cheesiness.
I still like all of my teachers. Mr. Allen is hilarious, Mr. Bragg is brilliant, and Ms. Freitag is a sweet lady, and I'm fairly confident about my performance in each of their classes, respectively. However, we took a math test today, and I'm super worried that on top of making a bunch of careless errors, I most certainly missed an entire question that I wasn't sure about involving the graphing of an absolute value equation - or rather, the writing of an absolute value equation, when given the graph. Madame Matisko, of course, is awesome as usual and so is French class. Speaking of that, I'm going to relate an odd dream that I had last night in French, partially because I'd like to practice and partially just because I feel like it.
Hier soir, j'ai eu une reve bizarre. J'etais au terrain de stationnement pres de la salle de la fanfare au Batiment des Arts. Je montais la colline pour aller au Batiment des Arts et parlais avec Elisabeth quand nous sommes passees par un groupe des gens. Ces gens etaient de la fanfare aussi, et ils allaient trouver leurs instruments au terrain de staionnement. Dans le groupe etait un garcon avec les cheveux roux qui j'aimais dans la reve (mais je ne le connais pas bien dans la vie vraiment). Elisabeth a vu que je regardais cette personne pendant que nous nous les passions par, et elle a souri avant qu'elle a dit quelquechose comme, "Hmmm, tu regardes quoi, Robyn? Ou devrais-moi dire, tu regardes qui?" Et j'ai repondu, "Fermez la bouche, Elisabeth." C'est seulement une reve, mais je me demande, quelquefois, si les reves ont un peu de verite.

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