Welcome to this Blog. . .

...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Friday, August 27, 2010

Reynolds vs. Atkins and First Week of School

I just returned home from my first football game of the year against Atkins (the marching band's first game was last week, but I was in Florida at the time - perhaps this is why Reynolds lost). Our team won gloriously, ending the score with 35 to compare with Atkins' 6. We did not go onto the field to perform the half-time show, though we played the first third of it in the stands during half-time, the part which includes the "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "Bicycle" themes. At one point, a girl named Alexi, who plays the flute, announced to no one in particular, "It's hotter than Satan's toenails," which was partially true and a beautiful way to put it.
School started this past Wednesday, and I really like my new teachers so far. My first paper for English on archetypes was due today - we had to choose a modern story which contained as many archetypes as we could possibly think of, and so I chose to write about Fahrenheit 451. This assignment kept me up until the wee hours of the morning, but that was also partially because my dad and I went out driving in Old Bessie, which is the new name for his Toyota Camry. This, I know, is not a suitable name, given that I've already named our school's green xylophone Old Bessie, but both objects (that is, the car and the xylophone) fit the name too well for me to consider changing it. I received my permit about a week ago, and so I've been going out in my mom's stick shift P. T. Cruiser to practice. At this point, I am tired, and so I shall be retiring; only three days of school have passed and I'm already exhausted.

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