Welcome to this Blog. . .

...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I feel I must come on here to discuss in some detail the day and the dream that I have had; my grammar will probably be terrible, as I'm trying to do this quickly so as to get into bed.
In the dream, I recall being at my mother's house, and Wesley and I had plans to travel somewhere; he insisted that the only flight that he could reserve tickets for was the 1:00 a.m. flight. Mistakenly thinking that he meant 1:00 p.m. the next day, I dawdled and did not pack my bags until 12:00 midnight, when he came to my room, roused me, and said, "Why aren't you getting ready to go? Where are your bags?!"
I said, "Why should I have them packed? We're not leaving until after noon, right?"
"No!" he said, "We're leaving in an hour! Pack!" And so this is what I did: I scrambled around the dark house, stuffing things haphazardly into a bag. Then, we left in the car after I kissed my mom goodbye. He had to stop at Walmart before we boarded the plane - we were late boarding the plane as a result, and I was irritated because he decided to blame me and the fact that I didn't pack until midnight.
"Well," I responded, "You should have been more specific about your time - you say 1:00 and I'm going to assume you mean 1 p.m."
Wesley said, "Huff." Then, we boarded the plane and departed for whatever destination we were heading to.
The next part of the dream was quite personal and awkward. The same individual whom I mentioned in my last entry figured into this dream. He was visiting my mother's house in the dream - and we were hanging out in my room. The lights were out and we were very tired. We simply fell asleep on my bed. This was the whole dream that I had before I woke up.
Today was an interesting day for a few reasons, mostly because Sir Newton was our substitute in Geometry and because I stayed after school for our first rehearsal before the Hickory Festival, in which we scored a Superior last year with Mr. Talbert. The three songs that we are playing are "Rush," "Spirals of Light," and "Children's March" the latter of which is my favorite. After the rehearsal, I was rescued from walking home in the bitter weather by Eric, who drove me home. At the house, I procrastinated by playing the piano for about 20 minutes, and then I swept the house. Tonight, my dad and I went across the street to Ms. Sprinkle's house for a dinner of lasagna and really tasty chocolate pie.
Now I am here, with the introduction of Beethoven's "Pathetique Sonata" stuck in my head.

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