Welcome to this Blog. . .

...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cell Phone Anxiety and Dream

Ah, a beautiful Saturday - and I've spent the past day worried about the location of my cell phone; the last time I could remember using it was Wednesday night, outside of Borders - and I clearly recalled the replacement of said phone in my purse. However, yesterday, while I was in the car with Stacia (she was driving me back to Shannon's for a sleepover) and she asked me to call Shannon with it, I could not seem to find it in my purse. Thus my panic, which lasted all through last night and continued until about half an hour ago - after looking everywhere in the house, mind you - when I remembered that, on Thursday, Mrs. Reece had asked us to give her our cell phones during our dance exam. She placed them up by the white board, and we were supposed to grab them afterwards, but I must have forgotten. I am relieved, for I am sure that she will have spotted it and I will be able to retrieve it first thing Tuesday morning. I love long weekends.

So, I went over to Shannon's house last night, as did Elizabeth. We had a great time, and I learned two new card games - one that I didn't really like that much, and another called "Napoleon." The latter is interesting because it relies heavily on strategy; I plan on playing it with my dad and grandparents when they visit us here in North Carolina. Also on Saturday, I finally had the chance to meet and converse with the famous Charles, whom Shannon is dating. I give her my blessing, as he seems to be a respectful young fellow and what-not; we all played cards and watched part of "The Haunting in Connecticut" before I had to depart at 3:30 to return to my father's house.
On Friday night, I had an extremely odd dream. In the dream, everyone seemed to exist in a giant fishbowl filled with water, though everyone was breathing normally, we weren't fish or other water-dwelling creatures, and we weren't swimming - we were walking around as though in normal air. But, there was still the undeniable fact that, yes, the world was a fishbowl filled with water nonetheless.
My dad, Heather, Hope, and I were on vacation in the dream; I remember spending part of the dream in a ground floor hotel room that was non-descript, but for the fact that it opened out on this children's wonderland of a water park: there were tons of huge, interlacing, multi-colored slides and those bucket things that tip over unexpectedly and spill water on those who unknowingly dawdle beneath them for too long. Seated in chairs with ladders leading up to their great heights were four life-guards, surrounding the area of the water park. I recall one of the life-guards, the one closest to the entrance to our hotel room, being rather attractive (though he was the epitome of the life-guard stereotype, which I don't find attractive in real life). However, as I lounged on the sidewalk beside the entrance to our room, watching Hope and the other little kids frolick around, I realized that this life-guard was quite a jerk. He wore dark sunglasses (which I hate on life-guards, because if they blow their whistles, you can never tell who they're addressing), and would yell at kids for being too loud and for coming too close to his chair. He obviously hated children, and had no reason to be serving as a life-guard at a kids' water park. After watching for about an hour, I returned to the hotel room, where I found my dad sprawled on the floral-patterned bedspread of one of the double-beds, examining a map.
"What map are you looking at?" I asked him, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"New York City," he replied. "We're going to go there in a week for part of our vacation; plus, I have a meeting there with other people from work, so it's sort of a business trip as well."
I was really excited about going to New York (I've never been in real life). However, as we were packing our stuff and preparing to load the car, I woke up on Shannon's floor with an aching back.

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