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...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Sunday, November 1, 2009

West vs. Reynolds

This past Friday, the two undefeated teams participated in the game that was called the WXII 12 game of the week; and what a game it was.
We decided that we were not going to do our halftime show for this game, so we left Charles Voltaire and Ol' Bessie behind. Also, the drum line was missing Joe and David, so Vipul took the quads and Izzie and I shared the third bass (she took it for the first half and I took it for the last half). Izzie did not take the cymbals, saying that she did not know where they were.
We arrived early at the game and were given time to purchase dinner, since it wasn't provided at the school. Then, the game began. Nobody scored in the first quarter, and Reynolds could tell from the start that it would be a difficult game, owing to the fact that the referees were extremely biased, calling us on exaggerated offenses like "delay of game" and other such things. Also, the the tension between the two sides of the stadium began to mount from the moment we marched in; when the drumline marched in, Vipul was having issues with the quads and someone allegedly shouted, "Go ahead and cry!" or something like that.
Anyways, some of us lost hope in the second quarter when West gained three points, and we were disappointed when, by halftime, they had gained a total of nine points.
During halftime, our dancers and West's dancers got together and performed the dance from "Thriller," which was sort of interesting to watch.
However, everything changed in the fourth and final quarter. With five minutes to go, Reynolds pulled up alongside West, scoring seven points. West was in possession until the last minute of the game, when we were making advances across the field toward our touch-down area (we were struggling from one set of downs to the next, hindered by a guy from West who kept blocking all of our passes). Finally, in the last thirty-six seconds of the game, one of our guys broke through the defenses and scored the touch-down that won us the game. Mr. James had us play our Fight Song five times in a row before our alma mater. The rowdies all rushed onto the field to congratulate our players and we left the stadium at the height of glory.

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