Welcome to this Blog. . .

...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lord of the Rings Dream and Other News

I'll speak of the dream first, before I lose even more memory of it. I dreamt that I somehow came into possession of this golden sword, which for some reason stood in the place of the "one ring to rule them all." I did not know this at first; I think that I bought this sword somewhere on a whim, and was wondering why it was so cheap as I walked home holding it.
Well, I returned to the house that I seemed to be sharing with my parents and several other people, including a few members of the marching band and some of my parents' friends/coworkers. In any case, there were lots of people who seemed to form my fellowship of sorts.
When I returned to the house, I was immediately scolded by my dad for being in possession of this sword.
"Please tell me you didn't buy that." he said as I walked up onto the porch (the house was completely different from my father's or my mother's house).
Assuming that he was worried about the price, I said, "Well, it was only $x -"
He waved his hand impatiently, "That's not the point." he snapped. "The point is that we can't stay here now because the Nazgul will be pursuing us."
My dream self didn't seem to grasp this, so I said, "Well, can't I return it, then?"
"No. They wouldn't take it back and that's why it cost so little." he said (seeing as the sword didn't seem to be all that great besides the fact that it was being pursued by wraiths, I don't get why we couldn't have just left the sword somewhere, but that didn't seem like an option in the dream).
"Come on," he gestured inside, "Let's go in and figure out where we're going to go tonight."
Inside the house, my mother called everyone to gather around the dining room table; I placed the sword in the center of the table and there was a collective gasp from all of those present.
Mr. James, who happened to be there along with Mr. Talbert, pulled a map from his jacket pocked and spread it over part of the table. This map was weird because it featured both cities from North Carolina and also places in Middle Earth.
"So here's Mordor, and that's where the Nazgul will be coming from," Mr. James pointed out Mordor on the map, which seemed to occupy a great part of Virginia. He moved his finger almost due south through three cities before his finger landed on Winston-Salem. "Tonight the Nazgul (who, for those of you who aren't Lord of the Rings nerds, are the 9 dead kings who sort of look like dementors in the movies) will travel South through these cities: Bree, Kernersville, and Bywater, and will be upon us by midnight. They will assume that we are here because they will be drawn to the power of the sword, so we must move before nightfall."
My Aunt Karen suggested that it would be ideal for us to move to the west, into the mountains and toward the western border of North Carolina. "That way," she said, "we can continue North as they're pursuing us, and rid ourselves of the sword in the fires of Mount Doom."
Everyone seemed to agree that it was a good plan, and so we all dispersed to gather necessities to take with us.
Once this had been done, we met as a group on the sidewalk in front of the house; there were two charter buses waiting for us, the kind that we use for traveling marching band events. Mr. James drove one bus and my dad's friend Daniel drove the other. I forget which bus I was on, but I remember feeling extremely anxious from that point onward, despite the fact that we were riding on buses and the Nazgul were riding on horses.
I woke up right about when we reached the house that we would be staying in that night.
The only other piece of news that I have is that I am now an official cell phone owner. Yay-hooray for Robyn keeping up with the times!

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