Welcome to this Blog. . .

...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Just got back about an hour ago from watching Beethoven's Symphony 5, nicknamed "Fate" because of the supposed caption for the first movement: "Thus Fate knocks at the door." Amazing. Now, I suppose it can be said that I have 2 down, 7 to go (as far as seeing all of the Beethoven symphonies live in concert before I die, which I fully intend to do, along with my bucket-list goal of cultivating a hedge maze). My dad and I were two rows from the front and on the left side of the auditorium, right beneath the violinists....It was pretty incredible. A nice memorial speech was given in honor of Mr. Simonel before any of the music was played....Saoirse and Kiki were both present at the concert, and I spoke to Kiki during the intermission. There was a horn soloist from the Canadian Brass who came to play Strauss' first concerto for horn. He was really awesome as well, but there was nothing quite equivalent to the build-up between the third and fourth movements of the fifth symphony...I hope I dream of it.


  1. You are so fantastic! When I saw your blog pop up on my blog list, I thought I was mistaken! Haha, you have most excellent life goals, by the way.
