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...where I journal about my dreams and occasionally real life as well

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Childhood Memory: Vieille Fille

Today, while I was in French class, I had another flashback to my younger years. We were reading this story about a group of boys who begin to collect stamps. One little boy, who is jealous and who wants to mock one of the other boys, steals a stamp from his outstretched hand, runs some distance, licks the stamp, and presses it to his forehead, crying, "Look at me! Now I'm a letter!" (or "Je suis une lettre!"). The selection is from one of the Petit Nicolas story books, which are absolutely adorable - if there are English versions, I would recommend looking at them - or better yet, learn French and read the original text.
In any case, the pressing of the stamp to the forehead reminded me of a thing that we used to do when we played Old Maid (somehow we got a French deck for really cheap so it had "Vieille Fille" written beneath the Old Maid, as well as the English and French versions of all of the other characters). Of course, as we played, we would mess with whoever was drawing from us by strategically lifting one or several of the cards, or by tilting one side of the deck in their direction, in order to make them think that we were trying to make them draw the Old Maid from that side. This and the reverse psychology version (which had to be employed every now and then once people got wise to the trick) often worked and were useful for getting the Old Maid out of one's hand. Finally, at the end of the game, whoever got stuck with the Old Maid was required to lick the card and stick it to their forehead in acknowledgement of their defeat. My father would stand and parade around the room with it like a king if he got it, and shortly after each person stuck it to the forehead, the card would be briefly cleansed and a new game would begin. Yay-hooray for Old Maid/Vieille Fille.

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